Snow gauge weather monitoring system for municipal civil defence purposes
(24/7 snow gauge weather monitoring stations for civil defence purposes)
- 2017
- Marches: Civil Defence Sector
Execution of several stand-alone monitoring stations integrated in the civil defence regional network and installed in extreme environmental conditions.
The wealth of experience that ETG has acquired in the weather instrumentation sector and in real-time monitoring data acquisition, archiving, processing and circulation makes it a valuable collaborator.
The snow gauge weather stations ETG installed in 2017 are inserted in the Marches’ regional monitoring network. The network supplied, installed and configured by ETG for the Civil Defence of the Marches Region is made up of over 140 hydro-thermal-pluviometric and snow gauge stations.
The network communicates through a primary SHF radio transmission vector made up of 17 repeaters and a secondary UHF network with 4 provincial backbones. The entire system is controlled by the regional control and supervision centre of the Ancona operations centre consisting of 8 hot reserve servers and an HDSL line data communication system, a system for remote maintenance and a system for alerting personnel on call by voice synthesis and data exchange with DPC in Rome. ETG also currently performs its maintenance.
The solution
The newly supplied stations, installed by ETG for snow gauge weather monitoring, are made up of specially made and selected sensors in order to be able to guarantee correct monitoring operation in harsh environmental situations like those of high altitudes where ice, very strong wind and snow play the lord and master. The sensors installed are WMO certified, have a measurement range and operating range properly adapted to operation with adverse environmental conditions like those in the mountains. We find snow level sensors, pluviometres, sonic gonioanemometres, microwave snow surface temperature sensors, pyranometres and thermo hygrometers on one station. The stations in question transmit the measurement data by UHF radio vector directly to the consortium control centre, where they can be analysed, charted and used by with the WinNET7 application to send any necessary alarms to the personnel on call.
The benefits
Having a monitoring system at high altitudes allows parameters of crucial importance for the safety of the citizens and for monitoring and protecting the territory to be read. The mountain environment is a very difficult one, and it is particularly subject to abrupt changes in environmental conditions that are hard to forecast without an appropriate 24/7 monitoring system like the one ETG proposes and makes.
Closing section
The Civil Defence system of the Puglia Region is particularly advanced in terms of hardware and software performance when compared to the national scene. This is demonstrated by the completeness of the data monitored by the system and by their centralised management and use with the software platform made by ETG going by the trade name WinNET7. Systems so complex, well-structured and aimed at protecting the territory and the citizens require ongoing development and maintenance work that only a company like ETG is able to guarantee.